After the Fall

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Pre-order After the Fall

The proofs are in, the typos are fixed and we have a release date. August 19th.

Pre-order your copy now.


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And the big ones

Barnes and Noble. Amazon is coming soon

Prefer an ebook

Only on Amazon at the moment

Want to visit a book store?

Your local bookstore can order it for you, here are the ISBN numbers they would need.

Paperback – 9798990009509

Hardback – 9798990009516

You’d like to listen? Well have I got news for you, the audiobook is coming.

New book coming this summer

The first novel in my post-apocalyptic series will be released this summer by yodacat books.

After the Fall has been 5 years in writing and editing and rewriting and is now with the publishers. I expect to have proofs to actually hold in my grubby little hands in a week or two.

A best seller

I’ve been blown away by the number of people buying a silly book I wrote for my toddler. Thank you all. I hope you appreciate it or at least have a toddler who likes farts.

What really got me though was the sales before I told people about it. 1 each in France and the Czech Republic and 3, yes, 3 in Poland. I don’t know anyone in these countries, but I hope whoever you are, you like it.

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